Necesita un nombre de usuario y una clave VoipBuster para poder realizar llamadas a través de nuestra red. Así que primero deberá suscribirse a VoipBuster descargando e instalando la aplicación y creando su inicio de sesión.
Puede usar VoipBuster con los siguientes tipos de dispositivos Sip:
- SIP ATA (adaptador telefónico analógico)
- SIP Router
- xDSL Modem
La mayoría de dispositivos disponen de una combinación de los siguientes puertos.
Ejemplo 1
Ésta es sólo una disposición de ejemplo; cada tipo de dispositivo puede ser distinto)
Ejemplo 2

(Ésta es sólo una disposición de ejemplo; cada tipo de dispositivo puede ser distinto)`
- (A)DSL: conecte la línea de su proveedor de (A)DSL (no disponible en un ATA).
- WAN: conecte la línea de su módem/router xDSL.
- LAN: puerto para su red (doméstica); p. ej., puede conectar su PC, portátil, impresora de red o router inalámbrico.
- PHONE: aquí puede conectar su teléfono analógico.
- LINE: conecte su línea de teléfono analógica (RTPC).
- USB: puede conectar un PC o portátil con un puerto USB libre.
Algunos dispositivos SIP tienen más de un puerto LAN y/o puerto de TELÉFONO disponibles.
Para las conexiones de hardware de su dispositivo SIP consulte la información anterior y su manual de usuario. Después de conectar el hardware debe comprobar que su software esté instalado y configurado correctamente.
Configuración del software
A continuación hay algunos ejemplos de configuración del software de varios dispositivos SIP habituales. Por favor, consulte también el manual de su dispositivo SIP
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AVM Fritz!box FON 7050
Fill in the following settings:
Internet number: your VoipBuster username (if available)
User Name: fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Password: fill in your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Password confirmation: fill in your password again
Registrar: this is
Proxy server: this is
Overview - number 1, 2 or 3: your VOIP phone number (if available)
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Fill in the following settings:
SIP server : fill in
Outbound proxy : this is
SIP User ID : fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Authenticate Password : your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Name : you can fill-in your name, this name will be displayed in the phone screen of the person you are calling
Don't change the Advanced Options
(click here to expand)
Fill in the following settings:
SIP Server : fill in
Outbound Proxy : this is
SIP User ID : fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Authenticate Password : your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Name : your name, this name will be displayed in the phone screen of the person you are calling
Local SIP port : fill in 5060
Don't change the other options
(click here to expand)
Fill in the following settings:
SIP Server : fill in
Outbound Proxy : this is
SIP User ID : fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Authenticate Password : your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Name : you can fill-in your name, this name will be displayed in the phone screen of the person you are calling
Don't change the Advanced Options
(click here to expand)
Fill in the following settings:
SIP server : fill in
Outbound Proxy : this is
SIP User ID : fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Authenticate Password : your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Name : your name, this name will be displayed in the phone screen of the person you are calling
Local SIP port : fill in 5060
Don't change the other options
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Fill in the following settings:
Line Enable: Yes
SIP Port : portnumber 5060
Proxy: fill in
Register: this is 'Yes'
Make Call Without Reg: fill in 'Yes'
Register Expires: this is 3600 seconds
Ans Call Without Reg: fill in 'No'
Display name: you can fill-in your name, this name will be displayed in the phone screen of the person you are calling
User ID: fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Password: fill in your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Use Auth ID: set to 'No'
(click here to expand)
Fill in the following settings:
SIP Proxy: fill in
SIP Proxy Port: this is port number 5060
Registrar Address: this is
Registrar Port: this is port number 5060
Expiry Time(sec): this is 3600 seconds
Display name: you can fill-in your name, this name will be displayed in the phone screen of the person you are calling
Registrar Name: your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Registrar Password: your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
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Fill in the following settings:
Rufnummer : your VoipBuster username
Namen anzeigen : you can fill in your name
SIP-Domäne : fill in
Bereich : this is
Benutzername : fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Passwort : fill in your password, this is the password you used for the registration of you VoipBuster-account
SIP Listen-Port : this is port 5060
Proxy-IP-Adresse : fill in
Proxy-Port : this is port 5060
Registrar-IP-Adresse :
Registrar-Port : this is port 5060
(click here to expand)
Fill in the following settings:
Username : fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Password : fill in your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Phone Number : your VoipBuster username
Display Name : you can fill in your name
SIP Domain : this is
Realm : fill in
Proxy IP Address : this is
Proxy Port : this is port 5060
Registrar IP Address : this is
Registrar Port : this is port 5060
(click here to expand)
X-lite v3.0 Software
Fill in the following settings:
Display Name : fill in your your name, this name will be displayed in the phone screen of the person you are calling
User name : fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Password : fill in your your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Authorization user name : same as User name
Domain : fill in
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AVM Fritz!box FON ATA 1020
Fill in the following settings:
Internet number: you can fill-in e.g. your name or telephone number
User name: fill in your username, this is the username you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Password: fill in your password, this is the password you used for the registration of your VoipBuster-account
Password confirmation: fill in your password again
Registrar: this is
STUN-Server: this is
Si tiene problemas de sonido:
Use un servidor STUN (p. ej., con el puerto 3478 (si su dispositivo lo soporta)
Use el códec G.711